Multichannel Engagement Benchmarks for 2020

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Guide: Multichannel Engagement Benchmarks for 2020

2020 was a year like no other, with brands making necessary but unexpected adjustments to their customer engagement and marketing strategy.

We’ve analysed the performance of billions of messages and hundreds of thousands of campaigns, sent throughout the year across multiple channels, to determine the benchmark figures.

This detailed report examines a broad range of business goals, from revenue-generating and promotional campaigns to service messaging and customer retention.

We’ve also broken our findings down to a vertical-specific level, measuring the performance of brands in the sports betting & gaming, eCommerce, travel and transport, publishing & media and financial services industries. 

It makes for interesting reading, but there are plenty of practical takeaways from it as well. Our aim is to shed light on what really makes a campaign successful and where your brand can find both quick and long-term wins.

Download this guide to learn:
The true value of the most important digital engagement channels; email, push notifications, on-site and in-app messages, and the app and web inboxes
How you measure up to other brands within your industry
Which factors really impact a campaign’s performance and drive engagement