The multichannel playbook for the hotel and travel industry

How to deliver dynamic, personalised offers on every device and channel and drive ROI

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Guide: The multichannel playbook for the hotel and travel industry

Your brand can roll out big multichannel use cases and start achieving tangible results in just 3 months or less. We know because we’ve helped others do exactly that.

We’ve put together this guide to demystify multichannel campaigns and show you what’s possible. Everything in it is based on our practical experience of working with leading brands in the hotel and travel industry. It contains actionable advice that will help you acquire, engage and retain more customers.

It looks in-depth at a number of industry-specific use cases designed to help you execute core business goals.

How to run effective multichannel sales campaigns
How to choose the best marketing channels for your brand
How to recover more abandonded carts with automated campaigns
How to use customer data to upsell travel packages and services
How to use geo-location technology to market services to non-guests